dissabte, 8 de desembre del 2007

ja està aquí ja ha arribat Arale!

Feia temps que volia pujar el patró de la caca, doncs ja ha arribat el dia. L'original el vaig trobar aquí, però no m'acabava de convèncer així que el vaig modificar una mica:

24 comentaris:

Goiuri ha dit...

Me encantan estas cacas jajajjaj

Unknown ha dit...

hola marga que tal , oye esto me gusta mucho no se si mas que mi cactus , pero me gusta
ey te dedico un video para ti y laia en mi blog
un beso

AH! ha dit...

Que graciosa, si me animo te mandaré una fotito. Gracias por compartirlo :)

Unknown ha dit...

uff! no conocia tu blog, pero me ha encantado, me lo voy a mirar pots a pots, eres una máquina del ganchillo y con Totoro me has conquistado ^_*

bubbles&creams ha dit...

Es mortal!!!jajaja

RID ha dit...

Acabo d'aterrar per aquí...la veritat és que ja no sé d'on vinc...tens un bloc genial, quina passada de peces. Jo no domino el ganxet però he fet alguna coseta. Però estic al·lucinada amb la caca de l'Arale. És el meu personatge preferit...què guai, una caca rosa...a veure si un dia m'animo...Salut
Et continuaré visitant!

marina ha dit...

La caca de l´Arale!!!!!!!!!!!!quina ida mes original!!!!!
sort en el blog, acabo de descobrirlo.

La Señora Roper ha dit...

qué bueno!!!!
Me lo descargo ahora mismo!
¡¡Viva la caca!!

SaMtRoNiKa ha dit...

nose com la gent pot fer aquestes cosetes a ganxet, no seria capaç de fer-ho mai!!

t'ha quedat una unchi molt maca!

Rondinaire ha dit...

Una idea genial. Li demanaré a la meva nòvia a veure si m'ho pot fer perquè jo de patrons i cusidures... no en tinc ni idea.


Sistergloss ha dit...

Hola!! M'encanta el teu patró, però tinc un dubte.. Les V petites que volen dir? no són igual una V que una v??


margarida ha dit...

hola Glò,
Les v volen dir augments, és a dir fer dos pubt baixos en un mateix punt. És igual si estan en majúscula o en minúscula. Espero queet surti molt bé.

Sistergloss ha dit...

Moltes gràcies Margarida, m'ho imaginava però no volia posar la mà al foc, ja l'he començat i espero acabrala en una estoneta.

Fins aviat :)

Mire ha dit...

Hola Margarida! Fa poc que estic en el mon del ganxet. La V del reves és una disminució? Moltes gràcies per les teves miniatures!!!

margarida ha dit...

Hola Mire! Benvinguda. Efectivament, el símbol ^ és una disminució. Sort!

John Clarke ha dit...

Microsoft office.com/setup comprises a bundle of useful applications and services, each created for individual usage. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are the most popular office.com/setup programs.

tarzanturkk ha dit...

Establish internet connection on your system.
Open a web browser and go to www.norton.com/setup.
Log in to your account with correct username and password.
Search for the product that you have bought online after entering into your account.
Select the product that you have purchased and move to download option.
Press the download button to pour Norton setup into your system.
Allocate the memory location in your system to the downloaded setup file according to your convenience. Otherwise, it will save at it’s by default location, i.e.

download section of the system.
Be patient till it downloaded into your system.
Now, your system holds the setup file of Norton security package, and you are all ready to install it on your system.norton.com/setup

tarzanturkk ha dit...

Establish internet connection on your system.
Open a web browser and go to www.norton.com/setup.
Log in to your account with correct username and password.
Search for the product that you have bought online after entering into your account.
Select the product that you have purchased and move to download option.
Press the download button to pour Norton setup into your system.
Allocate the memory location in your system to the downloaded setup file according to your convenience. Otherwise, it will save at it’s by default location, i.e. download section of the system.
Be patient till it downloaded into your system.
Now, your system holds the setup file of Norton security package, and you are all ready to install it on your system.norton.com/setup

office.com/setup ha dit...

Microsoft office setup comprises a bundle of useful applications and services, each created for individual usage. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are the most popular programs. EACH version of the ms office setup needs a product code to complete its activation process

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Mark Watson ha dit...

Download the latest firmware version for your device. Go to the download center for your Region on the TP-Link website. Then, select the appropriate drop downs for your TP-Link product. Choose the corresponding hardware version, click on Firmware. For the tp-link router firmware update, a list of available firmware will be displayed. Unzip/extract the Firmware from the downloaded .ZIP file.

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Anònim ha dit...

Why My Gmail Won’t Update?
There are times when users encounter with the issue of why my Gmail won’t update. For this, check out the steps as mentioned. To do that, open settings and proceed to mail and then accounts. Click to fetch new data and choose new fetching period from the fetch list. With this, users can resolve the issue by switching to better email clients such as Edison, Outlook, or Spark. These can push emails and show users notifications when they reach Gmail inbox.